Thursday 26 September 2024

Bollywood dolls dispatched.

 Hello everyone. Finally all the dolls have been sent out. This has been a huge undertaking, and I thank you all for your patience and loyalty throught all the unforseen delays and problems. 

I hope the dolls have been worth the wait. It's great to see them begin to appear in their new homes. A big relief it's all over, but also again, I extend a big heartfelt thank you to you all.

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Anouk and Fanfan orders dispatching now.

Dear Anouk friends, so I'm back at work since yesterday and back on track to get your orders out. 

I finished packaging them in their tubes, and now all that remains is to pack and dispatch. I anticipate all will be on their way by the end of this week. 

I will send out tracking numbers next week.

Thanks again for all of your patience and kindness.

Thursday 1 August 2024

Order dispatch update.

 Dear all, 

I've been trying really hard to get everything ready, and all the orders dispatched by the end of July as projected. 

However several factors have prevented  me from achieving this goal: my back problems are ever increasing, causing me to work much slower because of the necessity of frequent rest breaks for my spine. 

Then the horror of having to correct ALL of the dolls from the factory. First I thought it was only Anouk. But Fanfan too has been sent without eyeshadow, and the hair is a complete mess. This has slowed things down massively. 

Then I suffered a very unexpected bereavement: my mother died 2 weeks ago. I tried to push through and get it done but I have failed, and I am truly sorry. I have to go to England on the 6th August for her funeral. 

Directly after I have an annual trip to Finland booked which I cannot cancel without incuring significant financial loss. 

So the dispatched of your orders will now take place in the first week of September 2024. I'm so sorry if this causes anybody inconvenience, I really have bern trying my very best. I couldn't in good conscience send out the dolls the way I received  them from the factory. 

I hope you all can understand and forgive me.



Sunday 14 July 2024

Bollywood Series shipping!

As scheduled, shipping of orders of the new dolls will commence next week. I will send out tracking numbers once all dolls are dispatched.

Please note, unless a specific request was made, all orders will be shipped to addresses attached to your PayPal payments.

If you opted for layaway, I cannot ship your order until the invoice has been settled.

I still have some dolls available, so it's not to late to order. Email me at:

Thank you all for your support and patience.🙂👍🏻